Robinson Pelham

Luxury jewellery company

Robinson Pelham is a jewellery company specialising in bespoke high­end jewellery, with stores in Chelsea London and Hong Kong. The project involved completely re­designing their website and UX and UI into a fresh and luxurious on­line store, with a great user experience for their customers, being able to easily search and buy jewellery and view the services on offer.

E­commerce website
Email marketing

This website is in production

The process

The website process involved creating a colour scheme, creating wireframes and mock­ups with a variety of layouts and colour options. This continues onto development, browser testing and user testing.

The final product

Luxurious design that showcases Robinson Pelham's jewellery.

Email marketing

I also design and develop Robinson Pelham’s email marketing campaigns, promoting their brand, jewellery products and high­end lifestyle vision to current and prospective customers. Below is one of the Christmas countdown newsletters that generated an increase in sales.
